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Greetings by His Holiness the Patriarch of&nb…

Greetings by His Holiness the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill to the VII Congress of the Leaders of World and Traditional Religions.

His Holiness the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia sent greetings to the VII Congress of the Leaders of World and Traditional Religions, which took place between 14th and 15th September 2022 in the capital of Kazakhstan.

To: His Excellency
The President of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Kasym-Zhomart Kemelevich Tokaev

 The organizers, participants and guests of the VII Congress of the Leaders of World and Traditional Religions
(14th to 15th September 2022, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan)

Your Excellency
Deeply-Esteemed Kasym-Zhomart Kemelevich,

Esteemed leaders and representatives of religious communities,

State and public figures,

Dear brothers and sisters,

It with heartfelt warmth that I greet you who have gathered in the welcoming land of Kazakhstan to participate in the work of the VII Congress of the Leaders of World and Traditional Religions.

The present forum is devoted to the role of religious leaders in the spiritual and public life of people in the post-pandemic world. Undoubtedly, humankind today is living through one of the most difficult periods of modern-day history. The challenges caused by the coronavirus pandemic have been added to by the industrial, energy and economic problems that have emerged as a consequence of attempting to built a world that has no roots in moral values. These attempts have entailed over the past two decades not only the loss of an understanding of justice in international relations, but also to severe conflict, military clashes and the spread of terrorism and extremism in various parts of the world.

Today, people as never before are finding it difficult to make sense of the flow of information, to withstand the pressures of various ideologies, to keep a sober mind and peace of soul. We have become witnesses to the distortion of historical facts and a hitherto unprecedented manipulation of mass consciousness. And is it not the case that this is because there is less love, mercy and compassion in society? More and more frequently we hear and read in the public arena words full of hatred towards whole peoples, cultures and religions.

The path of dictatorship, rivalry and confrontation chosen by a few masters of this world will lead humankind to destruction. And it is in this situation that faith can lead people to sobriety, return them to the path of dialogue and cooperation, for within the traditional religions there remain the steadfast fundamental moral principles of human existence.

I would like to take this opportunity to express to the authorities of Kazakhstan my special thanks for once more inviting to the capital of the country authoritative religious leaders from all over the world. The opportunity to hold dialogue in today’s difficult circumstances is a most valuable resource and a vital step on the path towards resolving current problems. I believe that the peace-making process of religious leaders, together with their influence on the hearts and minds of people, may and should enable us to overcome the challenges of contemporaneity, to harmonize our international relations and to establish a just world order.

I wish the participants of the Congress a serious and beneficent exchange of views, mutual understanding and accord, and may the Lord God help you all in this endeavour.

With respect, 

Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia


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