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Primates of Local Orthodox Churches greet His …

Primates of Local Orthodox Churches greet His Beatitude Onufry, Metropolitan of Kiev and All Ukraine on the occasion of his Name Day

On June 25, 2021, the commemoration day of St. Onuphrius the Great, celebrations were held at the Kiev Laura of the Caves on the occasion of the Name Day of His Beatitude Onufry, Metropolitan of Kiev and All Ukraine. The festive events were attended by an assembly of archpastors and clergy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. 

Messages of greetings were sent to His Beatitude by Primates of Local Orthodox Churches. 

In his message, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia notes in particular, ‘On this day of so high spiritual significance for Your Beatitude, I would like to testify that the pleroma of the Church, sharing the feelings of their brothers and sisters in faith, lift up ardent petitions to the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords for the cessation of enmity and disorders, for the establishment of peace and accord in the Ukrainian land’. 

‘May the Lord, through the intercession of your heavenly patron, St. Onuphrius the Great, send you good health and spiritual joy for your further selfless service of God and the people’, His Holiness Catholicos-Patriarch Ilia II of All Georgia wrote in his message.

“St. Onufrius, urged by his flesh, adorned his soul with beneficial gifts to become like angels who incessantly praise God in heaven!” His Holiness Patriarch Porfirije of Serbia emphasized in his message, ‘Knowing that he lived in a distant and severe desert of askesis for over fifty years of fasting and praying, we wonder at his feat and his word: ‘More than anything I eat and drink the sweet words of God”. Testifying to the selflessness of your archpastoral service, we pray to your heavenly patron St. Onuphrius the Great so that he may give you spiritual and physical strength to the delight of the pious clergy and devout flock of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church”. 

‘I cordially greet you on the occasion of the day of your heavenly patron St. Onuphrius the Great’, His Beatitude Metropolitan Sava of Warsaw and All Poland writes in his message, ‘In the spirit of brotherly love I wish that the Lord, through his intercession, may grand you good health and His rich blessings which will help you in your manifold work for the glory of the Holy Ukrainian Orthodox Church and the whole Orthodoxy. I wish you peace and everything good in each day of your life’.

DECR Communication Service

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