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Christmas Message of His Holiness Patriarch KIRILL…

Christmas Message of His Holiness Patriarch KIRILL of Moscow and All Russia

Christmas Message of His Holiness Patriarch KIRILL of Moscow and All Russia to the Archpastors, Pastors, Monastics and All the Faithful Children of the Russian Orthodox Church (English)

Рождественское послание Патриарха Московского и всея Руси КИРИЛЛА архипастырям, пастырям, монашествующим и всем верным чадам Русской Православной Церкви (Russian)

Сибэтиилээхтэн сибэтиилээх үрдүкү аҕабыыттар, ытык аҕалар, Таҥараны таптыыр манаахтар, күндү бырааттарбыт уонна балыстарбыт!(Yakut)

Різдвяне послання Патріарха Московського і всієї Русі КИРИЛА архіпастирям, пастирям, ченцям і всім вірним чадам Руської Православної Церкви (Ukrainian)

Ражджэственскае пасланне Патрыярха Маскоўскага і ўсяе Русі КІРЫЛА архіпастырам, пастырам, манахам і ўсім верным дзецям Рускай Праваслаўнай Царквы (Byelorussian)

Pastorală la Naşterea Domnului a Sanctităţii Sale KIRIL, Patriarhul Moscovei şi al Întregii Rusii Arhipăstorilor, păstorilor, cinului monahal şi tuturor dreptmăritorilor credincioşi ai Bisericii Ortodoxe Ruse (Moldavian)

Moskva ja kogu Venemaa patriarhi KIRILLUSE Jõululäkitus ülemhingekarjastele, preestritele, mungaelupidajatele ja kõigile Vene Õigeusu Kiriku ustavatele lastele (Estonian)

Maskvos ir visos Rusios Patriarcho KIRILO Kalėdinis laiškas Vyskupams, kunigams, vienuoliams ir visiems ištikimiesiems Rusų Ortodoksų Bažnyčios tikintiesiems (Lithuanian)

Maskavas un visas Krievzemes Patriarha KIRILA Kristus Piedzimšanas svētku vēstījums virsganiem, draudžu ganiem, mūku kārtai un visiem uzticamajiem Krievzemes Pareizticīgās Baznīcas bērniem (Latvian)

Мәскеу және бүкіл Русь патриархы Кириллдың архипастырьларға, пастырьларға, монахтарға және Орыс Православие Шіркеуінің барлық берілген ұл-қыздарына Рождестволық жолдауы (Kazakh)

Паёми мавлудии Патриархи Маскав ва тамоми Рус КИРИЛЛ ба кашишњои аъзам, кашишњо, порсоён ва њамаи фарзандони боимони Калисои Православии Рус (Tajik)

Б\тк\л Орусиянын жана Москванын патриархы Кириллдин Рождестволук кайрылуусу. Архипастырларга, пастырларга, кечилдерге жана Орус Православлдык Чиркъъс\н\н бардык ишенимд\\ балдарына. (Kirghiz)

Keramatly arhipastyrlar, hormatly atalar, Hudaýy söýýän inoklar we inokinýalar, eziz doganlar we uýalar! (Turkmen)

Moskvanın və bütün Rusiyanın Patriarxı KİRİLLİN arxikeşişlərə, keşişlərə, rahiblərə və Rusiya Pravoslav Kilsəsinin bütün sadiq övladlarına MİLADİ MÜRACİƏTNAMƏSİ (Azerbaijani)

Weihnachtsbotschaft des Patriarchen von Moskau und ganz Russland KIRILL an die Oberhirten, Hirten, Mönche und Nonnen und alle treuen Kinder der Russischen Orthodoxen Kirche (German)

Message de Noël du patriarche Cyrille de Moscou et de toute la Russie (French)

Χριστουγεννιάτικο Μήνυμα του Πατριάρχη Μόσχας και Πασών των Ρωσιών Κυρίλλου προς τους Αρχιερείς, ιερείς, μοναχούς και όλα τα πιστά τέκνα της Ρωσικής Ορθόδοξης Εκκλησίας (Greek)

Messaggio di Natale di Sua Santità Kirill, Patriarca di Mosca e di tutte le Russie (Italian)

Mensaje de Navidad del Patriarca KIRILL de Moscú y Toda Rusia a los archipastores, pastores, monjes y todos fieles de la Iglesia Ortodoxa Rusa (Spanish)

رسالة الميلاد من بطريرك موسكو وسائر روسيا كيريل إلى كبار الرعاة والرعاة والمترهبين وجميع الأبناء والبنات المخلصين للكنيسة الأرثوذكسية الروسية (Arabic)

莫斯科及全俄宗主教基里爾 致俄羅斯東正教會的所有主教、司祭、修道者及所有虔誠的信徒 聖誕節書信 (Chinese)

モスクワおよび全ロシアの総主教キリルからの降誕際に際してのご挨拶 (Japanese)

His Holiness Patriarch Kirill sends letter to His Beatitude Patriarch John X of Antioch concerning tragic developments in Syria


His Holiness Patriarch Kirill meets with delegation of Malankara Church


Delegation of the Malankara Church attends Patriarchal Liturgy on the commemoration day of Blessed Matrona of Moscow


His Holiness Patriarch Kirill speaks on the phone with His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Porfirije


His Holiness Patriarch Kirill meets with the Ambassador of Pakistan to Russia


Divine Liturgy celebrated at Christ the Saviour Cathedral on the occasion of the sixteenth anniversary of the enthronement of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill


Condolences of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill on the passing of the Primate of the Albanian Orthodox Church


On the Feast of the Nativity of Christ, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill celebrated Great Vespers at the Cathedral of Christ the Savior


On the Feast of the Nativity of Christ, the Primate of the Russian Church celebrated the Liturgy at the Cathedral of Christ the Savior


Christmas Message by His Holiness Patriarch KIRILL of Moscow and All Russia


A Joint Session of the Holy Synod and the Supreme Church Council of the Russian Orthodox Church Took Place


His Holiness Patriarch Kirill presided over the joint session of the Holy Synod and the Supreme Church Council


Primate of the Russian Church consecrates Church of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantine and Helena in Mitino, Moscow.


His Holiness Patriarch Kirill: Violations of the rights of the faithful of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church have been noted in reports by international human rights organizations.


Phone conversation took place between His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and His Beatitude Patriarch John of Antioch


Meeting of the Council of the Christian Interconfessional Advisory Committee has been held


Metropolitan Antony of Volokolamsk participates in Patriarchal Liturgy in Belgrade


His Holiness Patriarch Kirill speaks on the phone with His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Porfirije


His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Porfirije receives Metropolitan Anthony of Volokolamsk


DECR Chairman tells participants of the meeting at Nizhny Novgorod seminary about external contacts of the Russian Orthodox Church


Rector of St George Church at Russia’s Embassy in Prague awarded the Order of Holy Prince Vladimir, Equal-to-the-Apostles


Metropolitan Anthony of Volokolamsk celebrates Divine Liturgy at St. Nicholas Metochion in Bari


DECR chairman meets with Catholic Archbishop of Bari-Bitonto Giuseppe Satriano


On the Feast of the Meeting of the Lord, Metropolitan Anthony of Volokolamsk celebrates Liturgy at the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in Bari


Metropolitan Anthony of Volokolamsk: "We have embarked on a significant and new endeavor in Africa."


The funeral service and burial of His Beatitude Archbishop Anastasios of Albania took place.


Annual Christmas meeting takes place at Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Metropolitan Anthony of Volokolamsk meets with Primate of Orthodox Church of Antioch


Metropolitan Anthony of Volokolamsk visits Lebanon


DECR Chairman meets with chaplain of St. Andrew's Anglican church in Moscow


Metropolitan Hilarion: Many things in a person's life depend on faith


Metropolitan Hilarion: The Holy Spirit is the main treasure of the Christian soul


Metropolitan Hilarion: Holiness is a constant striving to imitate the Lord Jesus Christ


Metropolitan Hilarion: God does not want to condemn, but to save us


Metropolitan Hilarion: The Lord always grants to us the opportunity to display our talents


Metropolitan Hilarion: The Lord has imbued the waters of Jordan with his divine presence to wash away human sins


Metropolitan Hilarion: to repent means to change your way of life


On commemoration day of St. Catherine, Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk officiated at the Church of St. Catherine the Great Martyr In-the-Fields  the representation of the Orthodox Church in America


Metropolitan Hilarion: We can always show compassion for people


Metropolitan Hilarion celebrates on commemoration day of St. Varlaam of Khutyn at the church of ‘Joy to All the Afflicted’ icon of the Mother of God


Metropolitan Hilarion: We should remember that the life of each human being is in the hands of God


Metropolitan Hilarion: For God there is nothing impossible


Metropoplitan Hilarion: The cross which was an instrument of dishonourable execution becomes the symbol of salvation for millions of people


Metropolitan Hilarion: Eucharist is the wedding feast, to which Lord Jesus Christ invites each of us


Metropolitan Hilarion: Faith alone is not enough for salvation


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