Department for External Church Relations
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Metropolitan Hilarion made doctor of theology honoris causa by University of Lugano, Switzerland
Metropolitan Hilarion, head of the Moscow Patriarchate’s department for external church relations, was granted the degree of doctor of theology honoris causa by the University of Lugano in a solemn ceremony that took place on October, 2011.
Present at the ceremony organized by the university’s faculty of theology were Bishop Pier Jacomo Grampa of Lugano, honorary chancellor of the faculty of theology, Rev. Azzolino Chiappini, rector of the faculty, Rev. Gwido Vergauwen, rector of the University of Friebourg, Prof. Barbara Hellensleben, University of Friebourg, Father Gabriel (Bunge), diocese of Korsun, Rev. Dimitry Ageyev, assistant to the DECR chairman, as well as professors and students of the university and members of the Russian Orthodox Church’s parish in Lugano.
Bishop Grampa introduced the guest to the audience and spoke about his work in the field of inter-Christian cooperation and his numerous theological works and musical compositions.
The rector of the university, who spoke next, highlighted the contribution of Russian theologians of the 20th century to the theological thought in Europe. In Europe today, he said, works by contemporary Orthodox authors provoke no less interest. Through Metropolitan Hilarion’s theological works distinguished for their intelligibility and clarity, the profound content of Orthodox theology becomes understandable not only for narrow academic circles but also the general reader, the rector emphasized.
Metropolitan Hilarion thanked the theological faculty of Lugano for the honour and read in Italian a paper on ‘To Be in the World but not of the World’. Then he gave his blessing to Orthodox faithful who came for the ceremony from Lugano and Milan.
Metropolitan Hilarion gave the faculty an icon of our Saviour as a token of this visit to the university.
DECR Communication Service
Department Chairman